Thursday, 18 September 2014

Sharing our Insanity with the World

Hello everyone, and welcome to The Crazy Daizies Blog.

Instead of doing a normal introduction post, we've decided to embrace our inner eccentricity and share some quirky, and unusual facts with you, as well as telling you about this wonderful website.
     First, let us begin with this little corner of the internet. It is a collaboration blog run by the three of us, all girls, all slightly obsessed with Breaking Bad.
     Expect to see lots of crazy posts, varying in topics, straight from our beautiful, and slightly insane minds. However, we all have our own specific area of expertise...
     Bella's natural habitat is in front of the television, therefore it only makes sense for her to discuss her love for the movies, reviewing television shows and other such things.
     Then there is Poppy who has a passion for all things beauty related, whether it be makeup, clothes, or nails. She will most likely post reviews on recent beauty products, her monthly favourites, and whatever else she feels like.
     Finally, we have Emma, who doesn't actually have a specific subject because she qualifies for everything. She is a Divergent. Actually, she is a fangirl and will probably be posting nerdy entries, in between scrolling through the deep dark depths of Tumblr.
     Now, it is time for you to find out about us, and all our little quirks that we've decided to share with the world.

Blogger Number #1: Zoey

     1. The television is basically my life! Ask me anything about a movie and I'll probably know the answer. Or I might Google it because my iPad is also  my life.

     2. I am unusually tall for a girl.

     3. I have a strange need to learn songs. Completely random ones, like the rap that features in We're the Millers, and We Didn't Start The Fire. I'm currently learning the song naming all the elements in the periodic table. Because I'm normal.

Blogger Number #2: Poppy

     1. My feet are abnormally large for my height.

     2. I am completely obsessed with Owls, to the point where everything I own has an Owl on it. The only thing I don't have is an Owl itself...not yet, anyway.

     3. I love to watch YouTubers, they have inspired me to begin writing for blogs. Some of my favourites included Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter.

Blogger Number #3: Clara

     1. I drink cups of tea religiously. I can't wake up properly without a brew.

     2. Doors are my OCD. If a door isn't closed or hasn't been closed properly then it will drive me nuts until I go and shut it myself.

     3. Orange's are my kryptonite. I hate the colour, the smell, the texture, the way they look. Oranges should not exist, we must kill them with fire!

Hopefully you found this crazy little introduction post interesting, if so, please follow us on Google+ to show us your appreciation. Leave us some comments below, and tell us some insane facts about you. We'd love to read them!

Thanks for stopping by, love The Crazy Daizies xox

**We have decided to use pseudonym's in place of our own names.