Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #1 | The Crazy Daizies

| 14.10.2014 |

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blogging meme created by the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish. A different theme based around books, reading and blogging is chosen every week and then a list of ten is chosen. This week's theme is:

Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit (Real and/or Fictional)

1. Paris: I've already been to France and it was amazing but as soon as I read Anna and the French Kiss I instantly wanted to go again. Stephanie Perkins makes the city of love seem even more romantic by describing Paris as if it's a character. 

2. Alabama: I'm in the middle of reading Harper Lee's amazing novel To Kill a Mockingbird (I'll probably upload a review of what I thought of it later this week) and I would love to go and visit Maycomb County although it is fictional. I just love the idea of walking past Boo Radley's House or searching through the nook in the tree like Jem and Scout did, looking at the charred remains of Miss Maudie's house or visiting the church Calpurnia took the children to. I'd also love to see how different it was to where I live. 

3. Idris: Another fictional island...or is it? When I started reading The Mortal Instruments Series the idea of it all - the shadowhunters, their various runes, steles, everything - enticed me. And when I read about a magical island, hidden from Mundane view, it sounded so mysterious and exotic. 

4. Hollow Pike: James Dawson successfully wrote the nail biting story Hollow Pike as well as creating an eerie town with a dangerous forest where everything that goes bump in the night lives. The idea of standing among the frosty trees, silhouetted in the darkness with branches that scratched and clawed at the innocent...or the not so innocent makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight.

5. The Hubermann's Basement: Can you imagine what it would be like sitting in the freezing cellar next to Max, swapping stories and throwing snow about? Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief, wrote so beautifully and made me want to do almost anything just for a few minutes sitting with Max in that tiny, dank cellar.

6. Hogwarts/Hogsmede: Honestly, I don't know one lover of books who wouldn't want to go to this infamous castle from J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series. I'd love to visit the Whomping Willow and climb up the moving stairs in the castle. A life long dream come true!

7. Middle Earth: J.R.R. Tolkien - the king of fantasy - created an amazing world for both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and I would seriously do anything to say "I've been to the Black Land of Mordor, and seen Mount Doom". Rivendell would be amazing to see as well, and the glorious cavern of treasures where Smaug rests.

8. Atlanta: I've also started reading The Walking Dead graphic novels (at first it was to feed my addiction between the break in the television show) but I've become really interested in them. I've always wanted to visit apocalyptic Atlanta since I started watching the show last year, but the way the city is illustrated in the book, filled with rotting corpses, makes me want to go even more!

9. Westeros: As soon as I stepped foot in the fictional land in A Song of Ice and Fire Series I'd probably be dead (knowing every single characters luck, thanks George R.R. Martin) but it just seems so beautiful and cultured. Martin has made it seem so three dimensional, with the various religions, languages, traditions.

10. A Road Trip: I didn't care where, I just wanted to go on a road trip as soon as I had finished Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson. I've never been on one before and it just seemed so much fun, to go to so many places, to travel, to see the world.

I hope you enjoyed this little post, I'm a huge Book Worm so there will definitely be more of these coming your way. Keep checking back for more blogs and uploads.

What places have books made you want to visit? 
Let us know in the comments below.

~ Clara

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