Tuesday, 21 October 2014

My Favourite TV Shows | The Crazy Daizies

Today I'll be listing my top 8 TV seasons. As well as just listing them I have described my favourite parts of these individual program's. I've kept it short and sweet because I'm sure your popular enough to need to be somewhere soon. Please read on..........

HOUSE OF CARDS-  What can I say about this gripping drama. I enjoyed every minute watching a revengeful congressman (Kevin Spacey) trying to destroy the people who betrayed him.

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK- This fabulous comedy drama took me in at episode one. When Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) is convicted of carrying money for her drug dealing girlfriend, how will she adapt to the next 15 months of her life in prison?

24- Is one of my all time favourites. The way that Keifer Sutherland plays ruthless Jack Bauer and stars in all 193 episodes without losing the audiences attention at all. It's pure genius how one episode equates to one day of Jack Bauer's eventful life.

LOUIS THEROUX-  Unlike all the other shows listed this is a documentary program what follows Louis Theroux on several different journeys into abnormal cultures and life styles, with elements of humour and serious fortunate/unfortunate life's that people lead.

GOTHAM-  Even though this program has only just commenced I can already tell I'm going to enjoy ever single episode because of it's amazing script and it's interesting characters. I always wondered what Gotham was like before Batman and now I'm beginning to understand why Batman was needed so much.

FARGO-  I loved everything about this thrilling tv show, especially the actors way of portraying a psychopathic serial killer (played by Billy Bob Thornton) and a sneaky, unpredictable lost man (Martin Freeman).

BREAKING BAD-  Everyone likes a crime drama about crystal meth (the blue kind).
Bryan Cranston plays a loveable teacher with cancer who resorts to making meth to support his families future when he's gone, he does this with one of his old students who teaches him some of the ropes on how to get into this challenging business.

SHERLOCK- Who doesn't love Benedict and Martin's bro-mance? With cute humour and a smart plot, you can't get much better.  I'm hoping for the next season to come out soon!

Thanks for reading my post, have fun with the rest of your life:)


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